For full-time appointed IU Indianapolis staff employed with a minimum of 2 years of service.
The 1987 United Nations Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. In coordination with the IU Indianapolis Office of Sustainability, the IU Indianapolis Staff Council will annually recognize one full-time staff member who has demonstrated how their efforts have greatly contributed to the creation of a culture of sustainability on the IU Indianapolis campus. A full-time staff member who has exhibited exceptional commitment to achieving social justice, environmental conservation, and financial responsibility will be awarded the IU Indianapolis Staff Sustainability Award.
The IU Indianapolis Staff Sustainability Award is open to all full-time staff members with at least two years of service, except for those staff employed by the IU Indianapolis Office of Sustainability. All nominees for the IU Indianapolis Staff Sustainability Award will receive a letter of notification by email that they have been nominated for the award. The award recipient will receive a congratulations letter and the appropriate supervisor(s) will be notified. Additionally, they will be honored at a tree planting ceremony on Arbor Day, at which they can assist in planting a tree in their name.
IU Indianapolis full-time staff member with at least two years of service.
Demonstrated fulfillment of at least two Nominee Qualifications:
- Social Justice: Contributing to the communal effort of creating and sustaining a fair and equal society in which each person and all groups are valued and affirmed.
- Environmental Conservation: Promoting the protection and conservation of the natural environment, including preserving natural resources and repairing existing environmental degradation.
- Financial Responsibility: Bolstering the long-term economic well-being of the university by eliminating waste and inefficiencies, driving innovation, and promoting sustainable economic development.
Application Process
In order to apply for this award, please provide a detailed written narrative (up to 500 words) with clear examples on how the nominated individual has exhibited the following qualifications:
- Social Justice
- Environmental Conservation
- Financial Responsibility
Questions? Please contact