The Council officers and six At-Large members from the IU Indianapolis Staff Council shall comprise the Executive Committee. The Chancellor, IU Indianapolis (or designee) shall serve as ex-officio members. This committee shall appoint all standing committee members; shall select the chairperson of each standing committee by the September meeting; shall determine Staff Council meeting dates and agenda; shall select acting IU Indianapolis Staff Council officers due to vacancy; shall act as a liaison with administration; shall act as a Committee on/off Committees for the IU Indianapolis Staff Council; and shall interpret the bylaws. Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled by IU Indianapolis Staff Council Presidential appointment with the approval of the Executive Committee.
The Second Vice President shall serve as chair of the Membership Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the continuous development of membership through implementation of the IU Indianapolis Staff Council Development Plan, as decided upon by the Staff Council Executive Committee. The chair of this committee shall be responsible for the administrative function related to the nomination, election, and announcement of new Staff Council members in conjunction with the Staff Council Coordinator in accordance with the guidelines of Article III of this document.
Annual Reports
The Bylaws Committee shall have the responsibility for reviewing the bylaws to make recommendations to the Council for needed changes and/or additions. This committee shall meet as needed to review the current bylaws, make proposed changes and/or additions to the bylaws, and shall submit recommended updates to the Executive Committee for consideration. Once the Executive Committee has reviewed and approved the changes or additions to move forward in the process, these bylaws may be amended by a quorum, following the first reading of stated proposal(s) at any regular or special meeting of the IU Indianapolis Staff Council.
Annual Reports
The Communications Committee shall have the responsibility of, but shall not be limited to, disseminating information regarding activities of the Staff Council and developing and promoting new channels of communication.
Annual Reports
The Community Engagement Committee shall have the responsibility for identifying formal and informal efforts supporting staff at IU Indianapolis; contributing to relevant IU Indianapolis policies, practices, and procedures; and making the resources of the Staff Council available for this work. This includes providing access to staff, advocacy with administration, communication across campus, and opportunities for those creating a campus to meet and work together.
Annual Reports
The Faculty-Staff Relations Committee shall have the responsibility for identifying staff concerns with faculty, with Human Resources Administration, and with campus activities which impinge upon the quality of campus life. The committee shall also address issues of mutual concern to both faculty and staff and promote communication between them. In all activities, active collaboration with the Faculty Council and its relevant committee(s) shall be pursued and appropriate recommendations made.
Annual Reports
The Rewards and Recognition Committee shall have the responsibility of coordinating, advertising, collecting, and evaluating the applications received for the current staff recognition programs implemented by the Staff Council, as well as the design and implementation of further rewards and recognition programs of the campus.
Annual Reports
The Special Events Committee plans and/or coordinates special events that incorporate business and/or social activities relevant to Staff Council meetings, such as the annual IU Indianapolis Staff Council Retreat.
Annual Reports
The Staff Affairs Committee shall represent all non-union staff at IU Indianapolis. This Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the concerns of all non-unionized staff members; for interacting with the Human Resources Administration; and for proposals and policy issues other than fringe benefits related to all staff members.
Annual Reports
Committee Charge
The Staff Development Committee shall focus on staff development programming. This committee also administers the IU Indianapolis Staff Council’s Professional Development Grant Program.
Annual Reports
The Sustainability Committee is dedicated to creating a culture of campus sustainability, to making IU Indianapolis a place where faculty, students, and staff are engaged in research, teaching, and learning about urban sustainability and its best practices.
Annual Reports